
Time lapse Video of Hendra Storelocal Site

The Hendra StoreLocal site continues to take shape, with the lift shafts standing proudly to the left of the time lapse video. They will be central to providing access to this four storey storage facility.

Waterproof Concrete

Pouring concrete for the new carwash in Moorooka was no ordinary concrete pour. This pit will be used as a holding tank for carwash operations and it’s maintenance involves shovelling silt from the pit base. A normal water proofing membrane would have torn from the constant shovelling so we partnered with Penetron Australia to provide a concrete

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Brisbane Office in Lockdown

The Multi Span Brisbane office adapts to Lockdown Life as we continue to work through Brisbane’s snap (hopefully) three day Lockdown. There are systems in place to continue to work safely in the office and on site. Staff were vaccinated with the flu shot on Friday and we’re confident that the increased hygiene practices we

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YHI Warehouse Progress

Progress report. We have eight weeks until handover and she's really taking shape.

Around eight weeks to go so it’s not long until we hand over the keys for YHI’s new distribution centre.